Feeling Patrotic...
I am a Canadian. I was born here; my family has been here for more than 400 years, and there is even some Native within my blood from about a century or so ago. I am truly Canadian.
However, my good friends are Canadian as well - even the ones who were not born within our borders. It is a mindset. It doesn't matter that we are of different colour or creed, for, we are all Canadian living with a set of values that as often as they conflict with each other, are actually all embracing to the human spirit.
I am a staunchly proud Canadian. I understand that as there is no perfect human being, there is also no nation that is perfect. However, we are doing pretty damn well in this fine and beautiful country of ours that we call Canada. These lines we draw in the sand that we call borders are worth defending; if not for the land's beauty, but for the ideals of the people within them.
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